Saturday, November 5, 2011


Hey guys! Its saturday which also means its....CATURDAY. :) Enjoy the pic.

Friday, November 4, 2011

A Poem For You.....

Firetrucks are red,
The sky is blue,
I'm as bored as heck,
And don't know what to do.

So I thought I might,
Write a poem for you,
And it took me an hour,
To try and get it to rhyme for you!

I'm not sure where this came from :D Hehe. Just enjoy it :)

Thursday, November 3, 2011

A New Source of Comedy ~ Jenna Marbles

Ok, so she is officially (OFFICIALLY) on my favorite YouTube Channel Lists (and its very hard to get on....) She all ways makes me laugh. Shes one of the girls that annoys me because shes SO great with out even trying!  Anyways, i can't quite describe her (and her videos) to you so I'm just gonna have to tell you to watch her videos!

Also- Her videos are rated like PG-15 lol :D Just so ya know.

If her video, twitter, blog or facebook makes you laugh AT. ALL. Subscribe to her! She deserves it!

SUBSCRIBE!!! (and follow her on Twitter)

Jenna Marbles-

YouTube -
Facebook -
Twitter -!/jenna_Marbles
Blog -
(i also put her blog in my "Blogs of Awesome" thingymajiggar :D)